Sunday 16 March 2008

I'm all over you

I'm not over you.

Despite the fact that no one will read this, it feels somewhat more cathartic than my personal diary. My LJ has it's dedicated readers amongst some of my closest friends, yet this is just an electronic version of what I scribble to myself when I find a spare five minutes in which to do so. Somehow, because it could still be read by someone taking the vaguest interest in me, I find myself more eloquent and explanatory here. I should keep it up.

My stress levels have peaked over this last week, as I predicted they would do with the pressures of campaigning and maintaing a healthy front of normalcy which I would usually never do. I thought it was best not to alienate the voters with my usual surliness, and make some attempt at being sociable and friendly. Hopefully it worked, we'll see tomorrow.

Seventy Times Seven just came on WMP. A song with so many memories for me, and so many thoughts I could attach to its lyrics. I miss Woody. I miss the days when me and Alex were inseperable. I miss going to shows with Kirsty nearly every week. I miss the relatively carefree days of 2003 and 2004. But at the same time I'm looking forward and anticipating a life far less disastrous than I thought it would be. I've realised recently that, despite my apparent pessimism, I see hope somewhere in the distance. I just have to reach that little spot on the horizon.

The semester is nearly at an end, and with it the end of my second year looms ever closer. With nothing to concern me after the end of lectures but a pile of research essays which I'm almost looking forward to, I'm wondering exactly what it is I pay £3000 for. Cornelia is worth it I suppose, but it's still extortionate when our university can't even provide us with a particularly magnificent library. Admittedly, it's not as bad as I think it is, but by no means is it brilliant. If ULU leaves Senate House I'm not sure what I'll do. My grades will very definitely suffer.

So that leaves me with the coming week. Our split week begins on Thursday, which gives me a week in which to go home. Except I probably won't go home. If I can work for the agency I will, with a holiday to fund and the potential for a Trio tour becoming ever stronger. If I stay in London I can prepare for the Every Time I Die tour and finally get around to tidying my room properly. The disappearance of my necklace is very worrying, considering that everything which was around it is still there but the necklace is gone.

I'm planning to see The Lord of the Rings musical on Thursday. No doubt I will be incredibly disappointed by the way it is presented, and what I've heard of the music is distinctly underwhelming. But if I don't see it, I'll wish I did, and with it closing much earlier than intended I feel this may be my last chance.

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