Sunday 30 March 2008

I don't dream since I quit sleeping

I'm not sure why I'm awake. I feel tired, yet when I try to sleep it just doesn't happen. I don't know what's going on. I'll put it down to my body getting up to it's usual trick of doing exactly the opposite of what I want it to. Pesky nuisance.

I didn't do much today. It was exactly how Sundays are meant to be. I went to the library briefly to pick up a pile of books covering three of my essays. I wrote rough essay plans and read a little. I watched yet more Heroes and sewed. I cooked. Whilst it was relaxing in the extreme, which is exactly what I need before a week as chaotic as this one will be, I couldn't help but feel the lack of human contact. Even MSN didn't offer much today by comparison to other days. Sometimes my life is quite depressing.

Tomorrow, or today as I suppose it really is now, I have little to be excited about. Work and Senate House, then home to buy my Leeds festival ticket if all goes to plan. Not that I can really afford it, but the lineup has the potential to be stunning and I'll only regret it if I don't buy a ticket now. If the worst happens I can always sell it. I'm not quite sure what "the worst" would be in this case. I hope it wouldn't involve a loss of limbs or motor functions.

ETID in 2 days. It promises to be a lively week.

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