Saturday 29 March 2008

I'm having nightmares all the time...

...of running out of words that rhyme.
It's amazing how much my outlook has changed even since my last post. The week certainly began well, and it's only got better. I'll take it chronologically, for fear of incoherence.

Tuesday. I met Adam on a very rainy day in Starbucks, late for once. We talked history, MAs, pretentiousness and alcohol. I don't think I've ever felt more like a student. We get on so well that it's really a shame to think that he and Kirsty don't get along at all. Well, Kirsty doesn't get along with him. He has no such quarrel with her. I got on the coach and enjoyed Boswell's London Journal until the driver turned the reading lights off. I napped and thought of what the week could possibly bring.

On Wednesday I waited around all day for the uni best friend to wake up. The girl can sleep for England, and our plans to visit the IWM had to be postponed for a day when I shall inevitably have to jump on her bed to get her up. We ate stir fry and gossiped, and realised exactly what it is that makes our visits home so disappointing. The differences between our university lives and our home lives is becoming greater, and now that we actually enjoy our time in London, it's hard to be truly happy anywhere else. This bodes ill for the summer, but I plan to distract myself in many ways. We spent the evening in the pub with other friends from work, talking about things which didn't matter and generally being friendly. How I've changed over the last few months. I left to go home, and was infinitely buoyed by a text from my darling Lauren about my obsession. They're returning. The excitement was dulled slightly by Theresa warning us that the band hadn't actually made a decision, but this was just a temporary dull.

Thursday began routinely. I went to work, read the new Cub and spoke to friends. A text to the boy intended to just make us friendly again led to us agreeing to a night in watching The Cable Guy. Whilst I hate to admit that he's right about anything, I thoroughly enjoyed the film. And what happened whilst it was on. A second chance is a grand thing and it was thoroughly unexpected. We'll take it slowly this time, allow ourselves the chance to be sure and hopefully things will go according to plan. We stayed up late talking, teasing, laughing. We took a late night trip to Tesco and watched Arrested Development.

Friday I left in his car, went to the station and headed home with a smile on my face. Life is good. My lecture was routine, I dazzled without having done any preparation, which is always a pleasant feeling. I looked over third year courses, and whilst I'm underwhelmed for the most part, I can't help thinking that there's definitely potential in some of them. We'll see. I spent the evening watching Heroes and ignoring the many other things I should be doing.

I awoke today to confirmation of the obsession's return. I dragged myself out of the house to spend an unpleasantly large amount of money on a ticket for the return and came back. I'll spend my evening watching Heroes once again, and reading. If I can finish the reading I have left over from this semester I'll be ready to make a start on my essays. I'm going to the library on Monday (which I said I'd do today and obviously didn't), and that way I'll be able to read some fascinating criticism on my travels this week. Every Time I Die call, and I shall answer. Repeatedly.

For the rest of the week I'll be everywhere but here, whilst the boy is elsewhere and my lectures draw to a close. The end of second year approaches, and I'm terrified.

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