Friday 25 April 2008

We get lost in the blink of an eye

I've done very little of note since my last entry, hence my delay in writing. I'm only doing this now because I know that if I don't, I'll keep forgetting.

Wednesday was spent at Darren's, pretending to do some work whilst watching Firefly. I came home and actually worked on an essay, which in truth is causing more problems - the more I write of the essay, the more I think I should completely change the focus. I'm just going to write and write and see what comes out coherently. It ought to work, in theory.

Yesterday I agreed to work two separate shifts for the agency, solely because I was offered extra money to work in the day. I couldn't refuse. Neither was particularly difficult, and in between I treated myself to Selfridges' ice cream, new make up, film magazines and DVDs. Finally buying True Romance made me very happy, and I plan to watch The Lost Boys soon. As well as that I still have a few DVDs in my boxes which haven't been watched, and I feel bad for neglecting them.

Today I worked at the university, met Darren for chocolatey goodness and spent the evening in bed. With most of my Cub article written and my essay stalled, I tidied my room a little. Not that it made a difference, it still looks a lot worse than it is.

Tomorrow I agreed to 8 hours for the agency before I go to meet Rory for drinks and ranting. I'll come home, collapse in bed and wake up on Sunday to meet mother and Captain Boring as they come down bearing food and an empty car to take away the first load of my belongings. I should start looking for somewhere to live. As it is, I have so many shifts at both jobs next week that it could prove difficult to find the time...

And holiday issues are no closer to being resolved.

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