Sunday 8 June 2008

I hope this is goodbye

I change my mind everyday when it comes to him. I know I'm a fool, falling for everything he says when I know it's all lies. And yet, every time he comes into my life I do the same thing. The more I can convince myself that I'll never mean anything to him, the easier this whole business will be. I can't do this anymore.

On a more positive note, I found a job. Another hospitality agency, much like the one I work for in London, only this one deals primarily in sporting events. With four offices around the country, we get to travel around a fair bit (with travel, accommodation and food paid for by the company if we have to stay somewhere). I'm looking forward to getting my first job emails through tomorrow, I'm itching to get out and start working. We get paid weekly as well, so I'll be able to get into my budget habits again. In theory at least.

I spent yesterday in Liverpool at DM's gig. Well, in truth I hardly spent any time at the show, as Sheen and Chris kept deciding to go wandering and I went with them. It was good to see Sheeny again, our regular 6-month catch up as we're beginning to see it. We talked about old times, pop punk and messed up love lives. Considering it was the first time I've met Chris we got on really well, mostly because we have a similar taste in music. If it means I don't have to go to The Black Dahlia Murder alone on Wednesday, I shalln't complain. Seeing DM is always wonderful, it's just a shame it doesn't happen more often. Although this year we appear to be setting a new record for actual face-to-face interaction.

I watched Elephant earlier this week, but I'm going to hold off on reviewing it, as I want it to be my choice for the PT film club. Speaking of which, I'm watching this week's right now. Review in a couple of days once the discussion is really under way.

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