Tuesday 5 August 2008

It's been a long time coming

and you'd think I'd have more to say. Not having a job for the entirety of my summer has meant that I've done very little other than go to the gym. I waitressed at both the Golf Open and the Tatton Park Flower Show, and I've been out every Saturday night for around 5 weeks now. And that's it.

The Dark Knight is quite probably the best film I've ever seen in my life. So good that I can't even begin a proper review. Perhaps one day I'll manage it. For now, I need only say that the acting was superb, the effects almost equally impressive and the entire world of Gotham as seen by Nolan is perfection. I'm so very pleased.

I'm going to read Watchmen for the rest of the night and actually keep on top of this blog from now on. I promise. Back to London for 2 nights in 14 days. I can't wait.

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