Monday 2 June 2008

Crashing inside you like motorbikes

Now that I've removed the choler from my system with my earlier post, I can focus on the more day-to-day things.
I moved home yesterday. Whilst I'm happy to be back somewhere where I don't have to worry about bills or cooking, I'm a little restless already. My concentration is non-existant, I'm struggling to find a job, and my creativity is at an all-time low. I'm going to set myself some poetry tasks to start writing again, although admittedly I've said that repeatedly this year. And last year. And the year before.

I watched the first Punktastic Film Club film last week, and as our discussion has started now, I'll post my review.

Sharkwater is not the type of film I would usually watch. Despite this, I found myself drawn into the plight of the sharks by the passion of the filmmaker and the sheer beauty of the shots. Combining the pure emotion of the anti-finning community with scientific facts aiming to confront the negative image of the shark, against the brutality and stupidity of the hunters and governments supporting the finning trade, the documentary manages to both inform and move the viewer at the same time. For someone who had no idea about the finning trade and the extensive nature of shark hunting, such as myself, the film provided an encompassing view of the entire problem. The final screen informs us that 15,000 sharks have been killed whilst the film has played - 15,000 in 2 hours. Pause for thought indeed.

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